Our average salaries are calculated using job titles from Michael Page placements and advertised roles in the last 12 months. Despite being the largest recruiter of qualified accountants in the UK, our data still only provides a general overview of salary levels.

Finance director salary variations

For finance director positions, there are many variables which affect salary levels, such as company size, sector, and ownership. For bespoke salary insight, please contact one of our executive search professionals at Page Executive Finance who are regional specialists in their markets, able to offer you insights specific to your situation. 

Post qualified experience

Historically, years qualified has been a measure used for benchmarking salaries. However in reality, skill set, responsibilities, sector and region have a larger bearing on salary levels and therefore give a more accurate picture.


Qualification type for entry level jobs can result in some differentiation in salary levels. However in general, skill set, responsibilities, sector and region still have more impact on salary levels.

Need bespoke salary information?

For more detailed information or bespoke salary benchmarking, please contact one of your local specialist consultants for a confidential discussion.
For part-qualified accountancy roles and salary information, visit the Page Personnel Salary Comparison Tool.