Reality is what we perceive with our senses, it is what we observe, process and live through. Technology has already forever altered how we experience reality, but new augmented technology will give control to the consumer and allow individuals to alter what they see, hear and even feel. Reality can be overlaid, edited and filtered, and digital objects will gain a presence in the physical world.
The next generation of augmentation technologies turn reality into a spectrum, where virtual adjustments can be dialled up or down. Consumers will be able to switch between full-blown immersion into another world, to using inconspicuous tech which simply enhances their reality. The future promises mixed reality, where consumers can interact with digital objects in physical spaces. 
In this whitepaper, we explore a future where consumers will come to depend on augmented tech to enrich reality.

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About the Future First Research
We are in the midst of a massive upheaval in the job market in the UK. The rapidly evolving technological landscape is pushing boundaries across all industries. These technologies are enhancing what we do and how we do it, enabling us to be more agile, more responsive and more ambitious.
PageGroup, in partnership with trends forecasters Foresight Factory, undertook research to examine the emerging trends and technologies that will shape tomorrow’s workplace. We found six key technology trends and in this series of whitepapers explore how these trends are currently impacting the workplace, where businesses are already seeing value and what you should expect in the future.
Click here to see how all these trends could affect your business.