A business case and a CV are the twin pillars of a successful partner move. We firmly believe that a business case should be as individual as you are. A business case should set out your clients, your historic billings and strategy for your practice. Our aim is to ensure that your case speaks with your voice. We believe there is far more to any candidate than a CV explores.
Using our extensive library of precedents and depth of experience we can give you guidance on content and structure. As part of a consultative process we help mould and improve your first draft so that it becomes a key component of your approach to a firm.


For many there can be a tendency to downplay or even shy away from claiming a following.  However for existing Partners it is essential; especially for equity partners.  For salaried partners the majority of firms will require a client following whereas others will want to explore your potential to bring in business and will look to your contacts and your historic billings to assess this.  These should be outlined in your business plan.
If you have yet to obtain partnership it is worth pointing out that most moves at this level are done on an opportunistic basis.  There will be some active roles but the majority of vacancies are at the junior or mid-level or targeted at existing partners with a following.  As such a proactive approach is the most effective method for senior lawyers to make a move.  Firms will, again, be looking at your potential to business develop and look to your contacts and your billing history to assess this.  These should be outlined in your business plan.

Determining a Following:

Determining your following isn’t always easy but as a guide you should consider your historic billings and who your clients are vis a vis the type of firm you are considering joining.  For example your clients may instruct you on higher value transactions if you were at a larger firm or may instruct you on more work if you were with a firm that offered additional services.  This will give you the opportunity to cross refer and generate work your current firm would not be able to service