How to beat the afternoon slump

We’ve all experienced the afternoon slump at some point; that time period after lunch when your desk starts to resemble a feather pillow, your vision blurs and your eyelids droop.

Afternoons can be particularly challenging, with fatigue and reduced concentration affecting performance. If your energy suffers, focus and time management become more difficult, which is when overwhelm can occur and frustration sets in. So how do you avoid the urge to fall into a deep sleep when duty calls? Unfortunately, our to-do lists require productivity, as those reports won’t write themselves.

In this article, explore how to beat the afternoon slump with our top tips for maintaining your energy levels.

Prioritise your nutrition

Making simple changes to what you eat can make a surprising difference, as our diets significantly affect our energy levels. Avoid heavy, carbohydrate-laden lunches that can leave you feeling lethargic. Instead, opt for a balanced meal that includes lean protein, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

You can also keep healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, dried and fresh fruits nearby. They contain slow-releasing energy, so they’ll fuel your mental and physical energy throughout the afternoon, rather than experiencing a quick, short-lived energy spike from sugary snacks.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration can contribute to fatigue and lack of focus. Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day to stay adequately hydrated (according to NHS guidelines, we should aim for between six and eight glasses of fluid per day). Keeping a water bottle at your desk will help you to set this habit and sip regularly, rather than needing to constantly remind yourself.

If you need some variety, herbal teas or infused water can provide a flavoured alternative for some of your recommended daily amounts. Just note that some tea contains low levels of caffeine, which is a diuretic and can dehydrate you if you have too much. Certain varieties, such as green teas, contain balancing antioxidants and less caffeine.

Move and stretch

Sitting in one place for prolonged periods can drain your energy, so make sure you move around and change your environment regularly. Beat the afternoon slump by incorporating regular movement into your afternoon routine. If you work from an office, make an effort to get up from your desk to talk to any nearby colleagues directly, rather than emailing them.

Take walks around the room, building or your home, stretch your muscles, or try simple desk exercises. Not only will this increase blood circulation and alertness, it will help to relieve muscle tension that contributes to tiredness. If you can, go for a walk outside, where the fresh air and natural light will re-energise you (even if the sun isn’t out).

Optimise your workspace

A cluttered, disorganised workspace can contribute to mental fatigue and distractibility. Take a few minutes each day to tidy your desk, organise your files, and create a clean and inspiring environment. Try adding some plants to your desk area, as they’ve been proven to increase productivity and oxygen levels, and reduce stress.

If you work from home and have a garden, positioning your desk close to a window overlooking any greenery will do wonders for your motivation (as well as benefitting from being close to natural light). You can also personalise your workspace with aesthetically pleasing items in your favourite colours, to boost your mood.

Take strategic breaks

Sometimes, the question of how to avoid the mid-afternoon slump is best answered by taking a break. Instead of pushing through weariness, embrace the power of stopping what you’re doing and resting. Strategic breaks are proven to enhance productivity and mental clarity. You’re entitled to at least 20 minutes of an interrupted break for every six hours you work. Health guidelines also recommend that you take a five-minute screen break at least once an hour. Those who avoid taking breaks are more at risk of burnout and higher stress levels.

Try optimising your time by breaking down productivity into chunks. The popular Pomodoro Technique is effective as it involves working in focused intervals of 25 minutes, followed by a short break of five minutes. Use each break to rest your mind, move, or enjoy a mindfulness practice.

Focus on your goals

Use the mid-afternoon slump as an opportunity to review your goals and remind yourself of what you're working towards. Visualise your desired outcomes and break down your bigger objectives into smaller, manageable steps that you’ll complete each day. This exercise can reignite your motivation and help you regain your momentum.

If you commit to always completing your most difficult or important tasks in the morning, you’ll be able to take pride in your progress during each afternoon review of your to-do list. Maximising your energy at the start of the day can also mean you’ll carry out these actions to a higher standard, with less rushing to completion or battling with your energy levels.

Work on your mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial to beat the afternoon slump. Avoid dwelling on feelings of tiredness or negativity. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and the tasks you've accomplished. Celebrate small victories and maintain an optimistic outlook to power through the rest of your day.

Mindfulness can help you to stay present and focused. Practice deep breathing exercises or short meditation sessions to calm your mind, reduce stress, and enhance your ability to concentrate.

Listening to music can also support your afternoon energy, as it stimulates the brain. Similarly, talking to a colleague for a few minutes will invigorate you by stimulating feelings of connection and taking you out of any negative thinking patterns.

In some cases, people experiencing an afternoon slump may have a medical condition. If you’ve tried all of the above techniques and are still suffering from afternoon fatigue, you should consult your doctor for their advice.

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