Hiring has become increasingly challenging for manufacturers in recent years, with a significant technical skills gap, and a talent shortage. For that reason, it’s crucial that employers in the sector appeal to as many candidates and talent pools as possible.

Unfortunately, the manufacturing sector has also traditionally struggled to attract young and diverse talent. This can become a circular problem, with fewer diverse candidates wanting to join organisations that aren’t visibly diverse. At Michael Page Manufacturing, we have a strong focus on diverse hiring and connecting diverse talent of all kinds with top employers in the sector.

Mentoring is a key strategy to accomplish this. To understand more about how the industry can better appeal to diverse talent, we recently spoke to one of our most successful mentor and mentee pairings. For the last two years, Matt Devine, Customer Engagement Director at PageGroup, has mentored (and learned much in turn from) Jaymie Benka-Davies, a young black woman who has recently completed her Masters of Science in mechanical engineering, and will soon start her first industry role.

We sat down with them both for an insightful Q&A to find out more about their mentorship structure, and what it has helped them both achieve.

Q&A: Jaymie Benka-Davies

Jaymie Benka Davies headshot

Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Jaymie Benka-Davies, and I graduated from university this year with a Master of Science qualification in mechanical engineering. I grew up in London but spent my university years in Leicester. In my spare time, I play rugby, DJ, and cycle.

Is there anything that people tend to presume about you, which is not necessarily true?

I think due to my personality, most people at university assumed I was studying either drama or art! But now, since leaving university, it seems that more people think that I’m quiet, shy, and more reserved. They tend to be a little surprised that I’m on a rugby team too.

Why did you choose to study mechanical engineering at university?

I’d always had an interest in understanding how things worked - physics was always one of my favourite subjects at school, for instance. Mechanical engineering seemed like a great choice given that. Plus, I thought it would be pretty cool to be able to say that I'm an engineer!

What attracted you to industry?

After spending five years studying mechanical engineering and how it’s applied in an industry context, it seemed like a waste to not put everything I’d learned into practice. It wasn’t a hard choice for me at all – I was determined to do it and I definitely feel I’ve made the right decision.

What kinds of things did you have to consider after university and what were you looking for?

Most of the things I had to consider were practicalities: exactly what I wanted the job to entail, where I wanted to be located, and, if it was far from home, whether I’d be willing to relocate. One of my top priorities was salary: for me, this was a key indicator that my skillset was worth the time I’d spent developing it.

When looking at companies, there were a few things I was looking for: was it somewhere I’d be proud to say I worked for? Would I fit in with the people and culture and feel comfortable and able to be myself? And of course, would I enjoy my work there?

What can employers in engineering and manufacturing do to become more appealing to graduates, apprentices, and younger applicants?

From my perspective, one of the most important things is to give potential candidates a solid understanding of what the role itself entails. The job description is a really important way to get people interested. It should include the salary and benefits package on offer, working hours, examples of key tasks and responsibilities. But ideally it should also give an indication of the type of person they are looking for, and if possible, the kind of work that was being done by the last person to hold that position. An interview with that person would be a real bonus if it could be arranged.

What can employers in engineering and manufacturing do to become more appealing to a more diverse workforce?

I think the best thing is to show that they already are diverse - that will make the biggest difference in attracting more diverse candidates. Beyond that, it’s important to show that your business offers an inclusive environment and that you allow your people to bring their whole selves to work. An example of this would be allowing people to take time off for cultural or religious holidays, and really promoting that to prospective candidates.

What advice would you give to other young professionals considering a career in engineering and manufacturing?

Don’t be put off by the prospect of being the odd one out. Have faith in your ability to do the work – and be proud of yourself and your achievements!

What do you hope to achieve in the next 10 years, and what barriers do you expect?

I hope that over the next ten years, I gain enough skills and expertise to be able to really maximise my opportunities and be able to work anywhere around the world. As well as that, I’d love to specialise in an area like sustainability, working as a part of a team that innovates in the space and creates new ways of generating green energy. When it comes to barriers, I’m a pretty confident person, and I don't see any barriers to my progression that I can’t overcome.

If you’re interested in roles in the world of engineering and manufacturing, why not check out our live jobs and start applying today!

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Q&A: Matt Devine, Customer Engagement Director, PageGroup

Matt Devine headshot image

What made you want to get involved in a mentoring programme?

I do a lot of work with young people in my local community, predominantly through sports coaching. It is extremely rewarding to have a positive impact on a young person’s life. Professionally, I have worked in engineering and manufacturing recruitment for over 20 years. I wanted to bring together what I have learnt in my community work, and the skills and expertise gained in my professional career.

The time that I have spent in engineering and manufacturing has highlighted to me the STEM skills shortage in the UK. I worked with a number of companies in the industry, as well as early talent and diversity organisations, to help address this. Mentoring was a natural extension of this: by mentoring young students from academia into industry, I hoped to help create positive examples for others early in their careers, and to increase the proportion of STEM students transitioning into industry.

What did you learn from the mentoring experience?

I learned that applying for roles in industry is challenging for a young person studying a STEM subject at college or university, and that they are not necessarily guaranteed to be successful in industry. I also learned that the young person’s reasons for seeking a STEM role will often be unique and personal. Inclusivity, sustainability, belonging and global mobility can all be key factors for applicants when they decide which opportunities to pursue. And, most importantly, I learned that there is some excellent young talent out there just waiting to be discovered.

From what you've seen, is the sector developing a more diverse workforce?

Yes, businesses are striving harder than ever to become inclusive. Inclusivity is the key first step - putting the right processes, values, commitments, and environments in place before looking to recruit from diverse or underrepresented talent pools. Our industry is definitely not there yet, there’s still a long way to go. But it is moving in the right direction and it’s taking this subject seriously, which is crucial.

With such a large skills gap, what can employers do to find the best people?

Give to get back – especially regarding early talent. Poaching talent from your competition may help you, but it doesn’t help the industry as a whole. Employers investing in early talent programmes, supporting local schools and colleges, partnering with universities, and opening their doors to academia are all key to increasing young and diverse talent in our industry. Manufacturing needs to make itself as attractive and accessible as possible to early and diverse talent.

At Michael Page Manufacturing, diverse hiring and inclusive recruitment practices are top priorities, in both our candidate sourcing and the work we do with clients. To help the sector become a more diverse, inclusive and modern working environment, we are partnering with The Manufacturer, a leading publication and source of industry insights. At the upcoming Manufacturer MX Awards, we will be sponsoring the People & Skills category and judging the Sustainable Manufacturing category.

For an introductory conversation about your hiring needs or career aspirations, please get in touch today. Or, for more content like this, please join our LinkedIn group.

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