About Us 

In cleaning up the birthplace of the UK’s nuclear industry, we are once again generating growth and employment in West Cumbria, the North West of England and beyond. Our 11,000 strong workforce is joined by more than 40,000 people from the best of the best in the nuclear supply chain, from small Cumbrian businesses to global market leaders. We need this diversity of thinking, of backgrounds, cultures and experiences.

Ensuring everyone’s voice is heard is crucial to our success and in making Sellafield Ltd a truly great place to work.

Together, we’re at the forefront of engineering, innovation, project management and leading-edge support functions.

Together, we’re building £8 billion of new waste management facilities and manufacturing tens of thousands of waste containers, while also reducing our carbon footprint.

Together, we’re inventing the robots and technology that we need to clean up Sellafield. Robots and technology that can be exported to the growing global decommissioning market.

In everything we do, we’re ensuring the £2.3 billion of public funding we’re entrusted with has economic and social impact in our communities. Sellafield is no longer the country’s best kept nuclear secret. It’s where we’re tackling the legacy of the past, building a capability for the future, and where we’re creating a clean and safe environment for future generations.

Our Employees 

From cleaning-up the country’s highest nuclear risks and hazards to safeguarding nuclear fuel, materials and waste, our work is nationally important. We do this work on behalf of our owner, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

We work in 4 value streams:

Retrievals: we are retrieving nuclear waste, fuel and sludge that are stored inside our legacy ponds and silos, the highest risks and hazards at Sellafield

Remediation: beyond the legacy ponds and silos, we have hundreds of nuclear and non-nuclear facilities at Sellafield that need to be cleaned-up

Spent nuclear fuel management: we currently store and reprocess spent nuclear fuel. That means taking the fuel that has been used inside a nuclear power station and extracting the individual component parts of plutonium, uranium and waste. Our mission will change significantly as we come to the end of reprocessing

Special nuclear materials: we have the facilities and expertise to provide safe, secure and appropriate storage for special nuclear materials. 

sellafield image of employees

Office Culture

Work at Sellafield Ltd, and you’re not just building a career. You’re embarking on a mission.

Joining 11,000 men and women on a 100-year project transforming the Sellafield site for all the generations that follow.

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Career Development 

Work for Sellafield Ltd and what you achieve today will resonate long into the future. You’ll be part of a team of experienced professionals all dedicated to maintaining safety on site and creating a permanently secure.

Our Manifesto

Our Enterprise Strategy relies on the behaviours in our manifesto to create a great place to work, with motivated people pulling together as one team to deliver our objectives. Co-created with employees from across our organisation, our manifesto sets out the organisation that we want to be. The behaviours we want to see. And the clear purpose that we are all working towards.

We are creating a clean and safe environment for future generations.