We are pleased to announce that Michael Page has partnered with talent development and organisational change experts Workplace Evolution to bring you a series of inspiring and informative podcasts, where a range of experts offer their top tips on getting ahead in your career.

In this first episode, business psychologist Michael Costello meets with Dr Steve Stein, author of ‘EI for Dummies’ and co-author of ‘The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success’ for a thought-provoking discussion on emotional intelligence. 

The episode explores:

  • What emotional intelligence actually is, why it is important to your work, and the initial British reaction.
  • Emotional intelligence: a review of the last presidential election and how Dr Steve Stein predicted the result.
  • How emotional intelligence is being used by global leaders at IBM, Microsoft, and NASA.
  • An emotional intelligence quiz

Click the play button below to listen

  • In partnership with:

    Workplace Evolution